Friday, April 22, 2016

Movies and TV Shows that Romanticize Startup Life in Silicon Valley

While many in the silicon valley has laughed at the accuracy of these movies blow. They are rather sensational romantic stories about the Silicon Valley and founders who created empires here. We recommend the hit TV show Silicon Valley, The Social Network (Movie), and The Internship to get started romanticizing about becoming big in the Silicon Valley.  

These motion pictures surely are fun to watch quickly and get a sense of the startup culture in the Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley (TV Show)

A surprisingly accurate TV show about a garage startup's journey to becoming a startup unicorn in the Silicon Valley. You will see young brogrammers and their encounter with parties, accelerators, VCs and press. Even their battles with startup depression.

The Social Network (Movie)

Based on Facebook, its founder Mark Zuckerberg and their journey to the massive tech IPO. This movie portrays Mark as a romance-mongering passive aggressive as*h*** who waves around a business card that reads I'm the CEO bi***. This movie dramatizes his court battle with other current and ex-shareholders of Facebook, his journey to find romance, and the famous and controversial investor of Facebook - Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker.

The Internship (Movie)

The non-sense comedy movie is loosely based on Google's coveted campus (corporate office filled with perks and free-to-use bikes) and its famous interview-intensive internship. Two over-age "old men" join a young vibrant startup campus as Nooglers (newbie googlers). They ultimately find a path to fit in and make their own mark. Which never happens in reality ... but fun to watch.

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